Monday, July 19, 2010

Battle Wound

It started out a happy afternoon in the pool. Rylin was enjoying the noodle that I gave him...maybe a little too much!

He was having a good time...splashing and occasionally stopping to eat a few blades of grass (against my pleading not to)...and then it happened.
He found out the hard way that his top half out weighs his bottom, and tumbled out of the pool head first. It was an acrobatic flip caught on tape (though too cruel to show here) that left a nasty scratch. Our tough guy only cried a second and was back to playing. Jordan says it's his Bruce Lee face (must be a guy thing).

The first of many, I'm sure...


  1. Poor little guy, tell him to rub some dirt on it and that chicks dig scars. :) Glad to see he's okay.

  2. oh no!! so were you videotaping his fun pool time and then YIKES??
