This little cream puff turned nine months today! He is all smiles all the time and growing like a weed! He was 22lbs at his 9 month check up and 75% for height and head size. He also had a double ear infection:( Hopefully he's on the up and up with all the natural remedies I've been giving him. We go back next week to find out. He just got his bottom two teeth this week, is so close to pulling up, crawls EVERYWHERE, and is jabbering all the time. He's eating like a champ and loves his new discovery of meats. We have been enjoying the warmer weather and Miles likes to be outside playing in the grass. He is still not one to put things in his mouth so I'm just trying to enjoy it and not overreact about this quirk!
Always hanging off Mommy!
Practicing pulling up (or chewing chairs) with Rylin.
Visiting Grandmother Wines
First horse ride